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About Me

  The following is your last warning: By reading the following text, you will have the opportunity to learn many a thing about me. If you'd rather not endure the pain and boredom of reading all this, take a look at some of my other pages by either clicking one of the graphics to the left or the text links towards the end of this page. You have been warned.

  Yeah... Anyhow... I'm going to rattle off some basics now, as is the norm where home pages are concerned. You win nothing for guessing my name is Adam Smolarczyk (I've managed to hint at that fact liberally throughout this site) I'm a seventeen year old male (show me a girl named Adam and I'll show you.. umm... a rubber chicken) and I live somewhere near Sydney, Australia.

  Further more, I'll tell you that my (impossible to pronounce for most) surname is Polish (well some people seem to care, okay?), seeing as the vast majority of my family is from the land of Poles. I'll even throw in the fact that as my birthday is the 16th of February, I'm an Aquarian. I'm sure that this has no end of effect upon my life.

  So how do I, this ever interesting (in a boring kind of way) individual, spend my time? Probably in the company of some form of computer - and no, I don't really consider a computer to qualify as "company", I'm not quite that warped. I started off with a Commodore 128 way back in 1987, went on to an Amiga A500, and currently I mainly use an Amiga A4000/040, but also have an Amiga A1200T (currently in pieces), plus the PCs that I hate (Windows 95/98 irritates me). While Amiga is undoubtedly my computer of choice, I have been known to use a PC (mainly for games, even if they are pretty much hopeless at everything else), and even Macs (yes... well.. we all know about Macs, don't we?). � I created these pages you're browsing right now on my Amiga using software such as Personal Paint 7.1, Photogenics, Art Effect Final Writer and Blacks Editor. I find the Playstation pretty cool, too - my favourite games at the moment would be Colin McRae Rally, Gran Turismo and Grand Theft Auto. I also enjoy games like the Sim series (such as Sim City 2000, Sim City 3000), Railroad Tycoon, Detroit, etc as well as other genres.

  My long lasting obsession with computers has sparked off many things eg. a slightly larger phone bill and fairly bulky net access bill. I've been connected to the 'net for just over two years, and the novelty still hasn't managed to wear off. Apart from browsing the web, I also waste copious amounts of time on IRC, on the Oz.Org and Austnet networks under the nick "Steempy". From time to time I visit other networks, but more often than not someone else on those networks already uses the nick "Steempy" (sad, sad people).

  Like any other normal (ahem) person in this world, I watch TV. I've watched so much Ren & Stimpy (a weirdo cartoon show on Nickelodeon) that I can spool off whole episode storylines at will (oh dear). I've also started watching South Park - it's entertaining, in that warped kind of way that I've come to enjoy. I also watch other shows, generally what happens to be on TV at the time (channel surfing is amazingly fun). I tend to watch TV quite a bit less than I used to, but I still try not to miss some shows, such as BBC World's Top Gear.

  I listen to music. I have declared most to not suck, however some does. Spice Girls, for example, fall in the latter category. I have a fair few rap CDs (Tupac, for example, mainly due to the choice words in the lyrics), but I've been known to listen to stuff from all parts of the musical spectrum. I tend to have Triple M on while vegetating in my room or in front of the computer, sometimes being exposed to 2Day in the car - this is sometimes be overcome by threatening to run into a semitrailer, although obviously not effective when I'm not behind the wheel.

  I'd like to take this opportunity to say hello to my friends. On second thoughts, I don't want to be too exclusive. Hi to all the humans out there. I'm afraid monkeys, chimps, and their associates aren't included - I have to draw the line somewhere. I don't want to single anyone out because I'll either get people complaining "hey, why aren't I on your friends list!?!?!?" or (a whole lot more likely) "Get lost, I'm not your friend, get my name off that list!!!!!". As you can tell by the excessive punctuation, these people would be rather upset and we can't have that, can we?

  If you feel the urge to get in contact with me, you could of course send me an e-mail (always good to get mail that isn't trying to sell me something), and I'm also contactable through ICQ (but if it's important I'd send an e-mail - ICQ isn't always reliable). You can also make your presence felt by signing the guestbook. In fact, if you DON'T sign the guestbook, I'm going to come around to your house and make you listen to Backstreet Boys CDs, unless you happen to be a fan of theirs, in which case I'll stay well away.

  Maybe you know more. I imagine you're excited if you do.�

  Adam Smolarczyk -

  ICQ: 14382287.

This Revision: � November 6th, 1999.
Originally Created: November 9th, 1996.
What would the world do without Adam Smolarczyk? Probably pretty much what it already does...